It’s easy to join! Our Registration process elicits the information we need to match you to appropriate jobs and keep you posted about HR Direct, interim HR and administrative opportunities in your area – many of them NOT advertised on the boards.
Continuiti Confidentiality Pledge Continuiti observes the strictest standards of confidentiality. Any and all of the information you choose to share with us shall be kept in complete confidence and only used for our internal purposes only.
1. Provide your contact information; 2. Submit your resume; and 3. Complete your Continuiti HR & Administrative Professional Profile.
Please submit your resume by selecting "choose file" below. A .DOC, .TXT, or .RTF version is preferred.
Continuiti will never send your resume to any client without first obtaining your express permission to be submitted for a specific position at a specific client. We do not honor "blanket authorizations" to submit resumes.
After you hit NEXT, you will be given the opportunity to complete our Continuiti HR & Administrative Professional Profile, which is designed to elicit more detail about your background and desired employment situations.
Your confidential answers to these questions will greatly assist us in matching your background and desired opportunities to our clients’ HR needs. While your answers are entirely optional, we can better assist you if you provide as much detail as possible.
Once you complete your HR Profile, we invite you to return to update your HR Profile to keep us apprised of any changes as your career progresses; such as:
If you have previously completed an HR Professional Profile and only wish to provide updated information at this time, please feel free to add your new/changed information in the relevant sections. Every HR Profile you complete becomes a part of your record and we will read your updated HR Profile against those already in our system.
Thank you for taking the time to register with us! We sincerely appreciate your cooperation and greatly value your association with ContinuitiHR!
I would like to be considered for:
Please select up to 3 functional areas of Human Resources in which you possess the MOST expertise (more recent experience preferred to less recent):
Please describe your level of proficiency with the following:
I prefer to work: